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Speakers & Panelists
Jeongsam Kim
Director General, CRMS (Central Radio Management Service)
Jungsu Song
Vice President, RAPA(Korea Radio Promotion Association)
Dr. Kyu Jin Wee
Chariman, ITU-R SG5
Hyun-soo Kim
Deputy Director, CRMS(Central Radio Management Service)
(Director of Engineering Department) Ministry of Communication and information technology, Radio Nepal
Zulhaidir Hamid
Senior Engineer, SDPPI, MCI(The Ministry of Communication and Informatics), Indonesia
Sang Tae Kim
Yunku Choi
Marketing Director, Samjung Solution
Yong Jae Kim
CTO, Smart Radar System
Dong Min Yim
Associate Fellow, Center for International Cooperation Research, KISDI (Korea Information Society Development Institute)
Chunhee Lee
Assistant Director, RRA(National Radio Research Agency)
Yongjun Chung
Director, Radio and Broadcasting Standardization Department, TTA(Telecommunications Technology Association)
Ilkyoo Lee
Professor, Kongju National University