GSMF 2022
Overview & Highlights


Day1 : September 6 (Tuesday) / KST (UTC+9) / Korea Federation of SMEs KBIZ HALL & Online

Opening Ceremony
14:00 ~ 14:40 Opening Remarks Sanghun Lee
Director General of Central Radio Management Service (CRMS)
Congratulatory Remarks Jungsu Song
Vice President of Korea Radio Promotion Association (RAPA)
Keynote Speech Seong-Ook Park
President of the Korea Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science (KIEES)
Session 1. Global Trends of Spectrum Management
[ Moderator ] Ki Hwea Kim (Researcher of National Radio Research Agency (RRA))
Topic 1. Global Trends in Spectrum Management
14:40 ~ 15:00 Presentation 1 ITU Preparations for CPM23-2, RA-23 and WRC-23 (Processes & Topics)
Philippe Aubineau
Counsellor of Radiocommunication Bureau, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
15:00 ~ 15:15 Presentation 2 Spectrum Management in ITU-R SG1
Yongjun Chung
Team Manager of Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA)
Topic 2. Spectrum Management in the Republic of Korea
15:15 ~ 15:30 Presentation 3 Current Status of Radio Monitoring in the Republic of Korea
Taeho Lee
Deputy Director of Central Radio Management Service (CRMS)
15:30 ~ 15:45 Presentation 4 Spectrum Auction and Compensation for Loss by Spectrum Redeployment
Jaekyung Park
Senior Researcher of Korea Communications Agency (KCA)
15:45 ~ 16:00 Presentation 5 5G Spectrum Policy in the Republic of Korea
Heechun Kim
Research Fellow of Korea Information Society Development Institute (KISDI)
16:00 ~ 16:10 Coffee Break
Session 2. Current Status of Spectrum Management
[ Moderator ] Woo Jin Byun (PM of Institute of Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP))
Topic 1. Spectrum Management for Mobile Service
16:10 ~ 16:25 Presentation 1 Quality Evaluation of Communications Service
Yongkeun Jeon
Principal Manager of National Information Society Agency (NIA)
16:25 ~ 16:40 Presentation 2 Journey to 5G Evolution Toward B5G & 6G
Minsoo Na
Head of 6G Development Team, SK Telecom
Topic 2. Spectrum Management for Satellite Service
16:40 ~ 16:55 Presentation 3 Regulatory Provisions and Procedure for use of Satellite Orbit and Radio Spectrum
Jongmin Park
Special Fellow of Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
16:55 ~ 17:10 Presentation 4 Satellite Radio Interference Analysis Case
Hwa Seok Oh
Assistant Director of Satellite Radio Monitoring Center (SRMC)
Special Session 1. Spectrum Management of Participating Countries
[ Moderator ] Joo Nam Lee (Team Leader of Korea Radio Promotion Association (RAPA))
17:10 ~ 17:30 Presentation 1 Overview of Spectrum Management Regulatory Framework in Republic of Uganda
Robert Echeda
Manager of Spectrum Monitoring and Compliance, Uganda Communications Commission (UCC)
17:30 ~ 17:50 Presentation 2 Spectrum Management in Kingdom of Cambodia (The Current Status)
Phirun Kim
Advisor of Telecommunication Regulator of Cambodia (TRC)
17:50 ~ 18:00 Coffee Break
Panel Discussion 1
[ Moderator ] Il-Kyoo Lee (Professor of Kongju National University)
18:00 ~ 18:25 Panel Discussion 1st Panel Discussion

Day2 : September 7 (Wednesday) / KST (UTC+9) / Korea Federation of SMEs KBIZ HALL & Online

Session 3. Recent Technology for Spectrum Management
[ Moderator ] Jung-Hwan Hwang (Director of Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute(ETRI))
14:00 ~ 14:15 Presentation 1 Monitoring and Direction Finding
Sangbom Yun
Chief Research Engineer of LIG Nex 1
14:15 ~ 14:30 Presentation 2 Neutralization Technology to Counter the Threats of Drone Terrorism
Jaesik Shin
General Manager of Samjung Solution
14:30 ~ 14:45 Presentation 3 The Drone Direction Finding and Identification System based on the Object Recognition Technology
Kyungchan Noh
Team Leader of HURA
14:45 ~ 15:00 Presentation 4 Technology for Radio Jamming Monitoring and Interference Signal Geolocation
Junwon Kim
General Manager of Radio Management Solution Division, ONPOOM
Coffee Break
Session 4. Future Technology for Spectrum Management
[ Moderator ] Sang Tae Kim (CEO of HURA)
15:10 ~ 15:25 Presentation 1 Trend of ITU-R 6G Vision
Hyunjoong Lee
Staff Engineer of Samsung Electronics
15:25 ~ 15:40 Presentation 2 Spectrum-based Drone Identification and Information Management Technology
Kyu-Min Kang
Principal Researcher of Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
15:40 ~ 15:55 Presentation 3 The Recent Radio Researches on the Terahertz Band in RRA
Jang Suk Choi
Researcher of National Radio Research Agency (RRA)
Special Session 2. Spectrum Management of Participating Countries
[ Moderator ] Joo Nam Lee (Team Leader of Korea Radio Promotion Association (RAPA))
15:55 ~ 16:15 Presentation 1 State of Spectrum Management and Monitoring in People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Awal Uddin Ahmed
Director of Spectrum Division, Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC)
16:15 ~ 16:35 Presentation 2 Spectrum Monitoring Network for the FIFA World Cup QATAR 2022™
Mohammad Ibrahim Ahmad Sadeq
Department Director of Spectrum Management, Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA)
16:35 ~ 16:55 Presentation 3 Coordination and Monitoring of geostationary Orbital Positions by the Romanian Administration
Octavian Nicolae Lupu
Head of Aeronautical, Maritime, Satellite and Amateur Unit of National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM)
16:55 ~ 17:05 Coffee Break
Panel Discussion 2
[ Moderator ] Jung-Hwan Hwang (Director of Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI))
17:05 ~ 17:30 Panel Discussion 2nd Day Panel Discussion

1일차 : 9월 6일(화) / 중소기업중앙회 KBIZ홀 & 온라인

14:00 ~ 14:40 개회사 이상훈
중앙전파관리소(CRMS) 소장
축사 송정수
한국전파진흥협회(RAPA) 상근부회장
기조연설 박성욱
한국전자파학회(KIEES) 회장
세션1. 전파관리 동향
[ 좌장 ] 김기회 국립전파연구원(RRA) 연구관
주제1. 국제 전파관리 트렌드
14:40 ~ 15:00 발표1 CPM23-2, RA-23, WRC-23에 대한 ITU 준비 (과정 및 주제)
Philippe Aubineau
국제전기통신연합(ITU) 카운슬러
15:00 ~ 15:15 발표2 ITU-R SG1(전파관리) 국제표준화 현황
한국정보통신기술협회(TTA) 팀장
주제2. 국내 전파관리 사례
15:15 ~ 15:30 발표3 전파감시 현황
중앙전파관리소(CRMS) 사무관
15:30 ~ 15:45 발표4 주파수 경매 및 회수재배치에 따른 손실보상 시행 현황
한국방송통신전파진흥원(KCA) 책임연구원
15:45 ~ 16:00 발표5 5G 주파수 정책
정보통신정책연구원(KISDI) 연구위원
16:00 ~ 16:10 휴 식
세션2. 전파관리 현황
[ 좌장 ] 변우진 정보통신기획평가원(IITP) 전파위성 PM
주제1. 이동통신 전파 관리
16:10 ~ 16:25 발표1 이동통신의 서비스 품질 관리
한국지능정보사회진흥원(NIA) 책임
16:25 ~ 16:40 발표2 5G를 넘어, 6G 시대를 향한 네트워크 진화 여정
SKT 6G개발팀장
주제2. 위성 전파 관리
16:40 ~ 16:55 발표3 위성 궤도 및 주파수 자원 이용 규정 및 절차
한국전자통신연구원(ETRI) 전문위원
16:55 ~ 17:10 발표4 위성전파혼신분석 사례
위성센터(SRMC) 주무관
특별세션1. 참여국가 전파관리 현황
[ 좌장 ] 이주남 한국전파진흥협회(RAPA) 팀장
17:10 ~ 17:30 발표1 우간다의 주파수 관리 규제 프레임워크 개요
Robert Echeda
Manager of Spectrum Monitoring and Compliance, Uganda Communications Commission (UCC)
17:30 ~ 17:50 발표2 캄보디아의 전파관리 (현황)
Phirun Kim
Advisor of Telecommunication Regulator of Cambodia (TRC)
17:50 ~ 18:00 휴 식
패널토의 1
[ 좌장 ] 이일규 공주대학교 교수
18:00 ~ 18:25 패널 토의 1일차 패널 토의

2일차 : 9월 7일(수) / 중소기업중앙회 KBIZ홀 & 온라인

세션3. 전파관리 최신기술
[ 좌장 ] 황정환 한국전자통신연구원(ETRI) 실장
14:00 ~ 14:15 발표1 전파측정 및 방향탐지 기술
LIG넥스원 수석
14:15 ~ 14:30 발표2 드론테러 위협에 대응하는 무력화 기술
삼정솔루션 실장
14:30 ~ 14:45 발표3 객체 인식 드론 방향탐지 및 식별 시스템
14:45 ~ 15:00 발표4 전파교란 감시와 혼신원 파악 기술
온품 부장
15:00 ~ 15:10 휴 식
세션4. 전파관리 미래기술
[ 좌장 ] 김상태 HURA 대표
15:10 ~ 15:25 발표1 ITU-R 6G 비전 동향
삼성전자 책임
15:25 ~ 15:40 발표2 스펙트럼 기반 드론 원격 식별 및 정보 관리 기술
한국전자통신연구원(ETRI) 책임
15:40 ~ 15:55 발표3 RRA의 테라헤르츠 대역 전파연구 동향
국립전파연구원(RRA) 연구사
특별세션2. 참여국가 전파관리 현황
[ 좌장 ] 이주남 한국전파진흥협회(RAPA) 팀장
15:55 ~ 16:15 발표1 방글라데시의 전파관리 및 모니터링 현황
Awal Uddin Ahmed
Director of Spectrum Division, Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC)
16:15 ~ 16:35 발표2 2022 FIFA 카타르 월드컵 전파 감시 네트워크
Mohammad Ibrahim Ahmad Sadeq
Department Director of Spectrum Management, Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA)
16:35 ~ 16:55 발표3 루마니아의 정지궤도 위성망 및 위성 전파감시 현황
Octavian Nicolae Lupu
Head of Aeronautical, Maritime, Satellite and Amateur Unit of National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM)
16:55 ~ 17:05 휴 식
패널토의 2
[ 좌장 ] 황정환 한국전자통신연구원(ETRI) 실장
17:05 ~ 17:30 패널토의 2일차 패널토의